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Tag Archives: complexity computational parrelism embarrassing EDA algorithm

It looks like this was a timely post. Just a few days after my last post, Harry  (theAsicGuy) Gries posted an entry speculating that having thousands of computers available would revolutionize EDA algorithms. I think with an understanding of how computational complexity affects EDA algorithms, he might not be making these claims.

Let’s start by looking at what he said:

One of the key benefits of the cloud is that anyone can have affordable access to 1000 CPUs if they want it. If that is the case, what sorts of new approaches could be implemented by the EDA tools in addressing design challenges? Could we implement place and route on 1000 CPUs and have it finish in an hour on a 100M gate design? Could we partition formal verification problems into smaller problems and solve what was formerly the unsolvable? Could we run lots more simulations to find the one key bug that will kill our chip? The cloud opens up a whole new set of possibilities.

Harry is wondering how parallelism can help EDA algorithms. The goal of parallelism is mainly to allow completing a given task faster. Problems can be broken into two classes: those that are embarrassingly parallel and all others.

Embarrassingly parallel problems are easy to parallelize because problem instances are completely independent. In EDA, there are a number of embarrassingly parallel problems:

  • regression testing – you have thousands of tests. They are all independent. You can run them on as many machines as are available to complete the regression as quickly as possible.
  • synthesis – different blocks can be synthesized in parallel.
  • spice – run different corners in parallel.
  • placement – place blocks in parallel.

This is done routinely today. Even small companies have dozens of servers, if not hundreds to do these, and other,  embarrassingly parallel tasks.

But the real question Harry is asking is: can having thousands of CPUs solve the other kind of parallelism. Can a parallel simulator run a test a thousand times faster? Can we increase the capacity of formal verification by a factor of a thousand? Can we reduce place-and-route time down to minutes?

Sorry, Harry, but the answer to these questions is: no. Suffice it to say that, if it could have been done, it would have been done already. It is not from lack of trying that EDA algorithms are not parallelized today. It is not from lack of CPUs either.There generally are no gains running parallelized algorithms on even 10 CPUS, far less 100 or 1000. If any EDA company could design a parallel algorithm that gave 10X speedup running on, say 20 CPUs, they would have a huge advantage over the competition.

In short, if it was easy to get large speedups just by throwing more CPUs at the problem, it would be embarrassing that nobody has done that yet.